Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Two Important Things to Consider!

This week I have some very interesting information to share with you. There are two things in particular that I feel are important and that you need to take into consideration when on this weight-loss journey! I realize this is very long but please take time to read it or print it so that you can read it at your convenience.

1) The IMPORTANCE of water intake! I've been reading a book that my pastor gave me and it has literally changed my life! Now, it's primary focus is on health issues such as diabetes, arthritis, allergies, migraines, hypertension, etc. none of which I have (Praise God) but it also talks about overall health and weight loss. It is called "You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty" by Dr Batmanghelidj, MD. His website is The bottom line of it all is what he terms chronic dehydration. The problem is, by the time you feel thirsty, it is too late and you have been dehydrated for a very long time. Also 'fluids' are not to be confused with water. He has an entire chapter on the problems of caffeine and artificial sweeteners, sugars with dehydration.

Here is some of what I wanted to share from his book regarding obesity:

  • "There are two general sensations associated with eating habits...hunger pains and sensation for thirst. Both are felt in the same area and are brought about by histamine. It is easy to confuse the two signals and to think we are hungry when we are really thirsty."
  • There is much more about this that he describes in detail but here is the solution to the problem...drink two glasses of water a half hour before and two and a half hours after each meal of the day. You will feel full and therefore only eat when food is needed plus the volume of food will decrease. The type of craving for food will also change. With sufficient water intake, we tend to crave proteins more than fattening carbs. (I've experienced this myself and for me, that is a miracle!!) Plus the water afterwards assists with the breakdown of the foods during digestion.
  • The next step is shedding of already gained fat. Increased water intake by itself will begin to reduce some of the gained weight. An immediate weight loss from the collection of edema fluid that is stored in the tissues can cause a person to drop 8-14 lbs in less than three weeks. If, in addition to increased water intake, you activate hormone-sensitive, fat-burning enzymes, the weight loss will be more pronounced. This comes from exercise. He says, "I have seen some people lose twenty-five to forty-five pounds in a comparatively short period of time through increased water intake and increased regular exercise."
  • "Brain function prefers to receive clean energy from hydroelectricity (from water). When it is forced to use dirty energy from food, only 20 percent of this energy reaches the brain. Unless used in movement, exercise, or energy-consuming occupations, the rest of the energy from food is stored in the form of fat."

There is so much more but I'll leave it at that for now. The important thing is to drink water! For the last three weeks, I have had nothing to drink but water except for small amounts of milk and pomegranate-blueberry juice (which both are considered foods). I can tell many things different in my body, energy level and food intake!

2) The second thing I want to share is regarding exercising within your target heart rate zone. I have heard about this for years and had a very simple understanding of it. At our last weigh-in, I was sharing how I am 'stuck'. My scales haven't changed in months but I feel my body has gotten bigger. One of my clients suggested that I practice what I preach (she did not put it that way :0) - change up my exercise and/or add something different to it. In tracking my food intake, I've noticed that I have not been getting enough protein and too much in the form of carbs. Along with missing my strength training exercise class many, many times this summer due to time for projects and events, that would explain the reason my body has become more 'fatty'.

There has been a lot of talk at Jazzercise about Heart Rate Monitors for a long time but they are usually expensive and honestly, I didn't see any benefit in having one since I know I'm working out at a good intensity and not having any problem. After our conversation last week, I decided to purchase one to see - knowing I could return it if I didn't see any benefit. Boy, was I mistaken! I've only worn it twice and here is what I discovered. There are different 'zones' for different purposes! Just because you work 'hard' for an hour doesn't mean you will lose fat! If you work beyond your zone, yes you are burning calories but you burn them from carbohydrates instead of stored fat. What??? That is what I've been doing for the last 2 years, especially. I work hard and bring up my intensity so that I burn more calories and all along I've been burning carbs that I've consumed instead of fat on my body!!!!

These little machines are GREAT no matter what your exercise is...aerobics, swimming, walking, running, whatever (yes, most are waterproof). It will track and show you if you are in your zone or not so that you get the most out of your workout. Some will show you the number of calories you burn and the percentage of fat during your exercise workout. I highly recommend one if you are serious about getting the most out of your workout. You can get them at all different prices and just about anywhere in the sporting goods department. Polar is the top of the line and they are a little pricey, but very good. Check them out at Most sporting good stores carry Polar.


Drink your water. You should have 1/2 of your body weight in ounces each day. Do this consistently and see how your aches, pains and even serious ailments begin to disappear. I DO encourage you to get the book!!! Especially if you are dealing with any kind of health issue. You will be amazed. Here's the link for Books a Million -

Exercise and figure your heart rate zone. You can find out how to do it manually or check into a heart rate monitor. Stay within your zone for weight loss (usually the light zone) and watch the fat melt away. I am going to be bringing down my intensity for the next month and I expect to have great results to share. (Now, if you have not been exercising...START! Walking by itself is one of the best you can do. Start slow and build up!) Here is a link for a target heart rate calculator -

Remember, you still need to eat right! Keep in mind that losing weight is about 70% what you eat and 30% exercise. Make sure that you are receiving your calories from foods that contain nutrients otherwise if there are no nutrients in your calories received, your body will kick into starvation mode. Just because you are putting 'something in' doesn't mean that your body is being fed. The really cool thing is when drinking your water and maintaining hydration, sticking to the correct food plan is much, much easier! I crave proteins now instead of sugar!!! (I can hardly believe I just said that as I've always been a carb-addict!)

Have a great week and let me know your results by posting a comment!

Let Your Light Shine,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Now and Later

This week, I want to encourage you to keep looking forward while at the same time keep your eyes open at what goes on around you now. What do I mean by that? I will tell you!

You have to keep a vision in front of you always - know what you want to achieve, when you want to achieve it, why you want to achieve it and have a plan for how you are going to do it. It is vital that you look ahead as that is where you are going.

But at the same time, look at where you are now. You must be constantly aware of what you do, what you don't do, what you eat and what you don't eat right now. Because what goes on NOW will have an affect on what you have (or don't have) down the road. Don't think for a moment that the NOW doesn't matter and that tomorrow you will do things differently. Tomorrow never comes - it is always NOW.

In the process, I also want to encourage you to...THINK! We have all heard the phrase "think before you speak". Well, I want to add another one on to that..."THINK before you ACT!"

That phrase can apply to anything in life but I want you to pay especially attentive to it in regards to your eating and exercising this week. If you will THINK before you ACT out on choosing the wrong item or eating when you aren't hungry or sitting in front of the TV instead of going for a walk or swim, then you just may make a different choice. That is part of the NOW!

Think NOW and keep your vision on LATER and you will become the person you desire to be!

"And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts." Romans 13: 11-14