What exactly do I mean by this? Simple! If you keep your attention on your goals, you will be more apt to stay focused on the task at hand. When your mind is constantly thinking about what you are working to achieve, it becomes easier to pass on the extra treats or get off the couch when tempted to turn into a potato!
Here are just a few suggestions on ways to help you stay focused. Please feel free to add your own suggestions. (As a matter of fact, I would love to hear what yours are. You can share by making a comment to this blog.)
- Write your goals on note cards and place in areas where you will see them such as on your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator or on the steering wheel of your car.
- Cut out pictures from magazines or catalogs of things you would like to do, wear or go when you reach your weight loss goals and post them around your home.
- Write one short phrase or single words on cards and post them around if you do not want it to be obvious to others on what your specific goals are.
- Make it obvious! Tell your close friends and family what you are working to achieve so they can help hold you accountable.
- Personalize your screen saver on your computer or on your desk top to remind you of your goals.
Find pictures of you when you were at your target size or cut out a picture of your face and place it on a picture of a body (that is similar to what you will look like when you reach your goal) from a clothing catalog.
Hopefully, these will give you some ideas. The main thing you do not want to do at this time is use "I'll start after the New Year" as an excuse to pig out now. Enjoy the goodies in moderation - it is important that you do not deprive yourself. However, using 'later' as an excuse will only make you discouraged when 'later' comes and you have even more weight to shed!
Instead, keep your eyes on the prize and when January 1st comes around you will feel accomplishment rather than regret!