Saturday, January 26, 2008

What Do You Have to Lose?

As we near the end of the month of new resolutions, promises of change and enthusiasm for the future I encourage you to ask yourself..."What do you have to lose by sticking with those feelings you had just a few short weeks ago?"

It is typically about this time that the excitement of 'the new' is wearing off as we settle back into the reality of life. The bright hope of things to come is starting to diminish and the desire to do what it takes to reach our weight loss goals is overcome by hunger pangs and a despise of sweat. So again I ask, "What do you have to lose?"

Now think about it - really think about it. How about the extra weight that makes you sluggish half way through the day? Think of carrying a 10 pound bag of potatoes around or 2 or 3 bags depending how much you have to lose. Now imagine NOT carrying that around. If you dropped 2 or 3 of those bags of potatoes, what would you be able to do that you can not do now?

Would you be able to lose the loose fitting clothes that you wear to cover up? How about losing the lack of desire to wear shorts and sleeveless shirts that are coming with the warm weather trends that are just around the corner? Would you lose the feelings of disappointment in yourself for allowing your weight to get to where it is?

You see, really you have everything to gain by sticking with your commitments to lose the weight! You can do it and you should. Not only for yourself but also for those you love. You will lose the weight and gain confidence, energy, desire and that bright hope for the future is yours.

So, don't stop now!!! One more time, "What do you have to lose?"

What Do You Have to Lose?

As we near the end of the month of new resolutions, promises of change and enthusiasm for the future I encourage you to ask yourself..."What do you have to lose by sticking with those feelings you had just a few short weeks ago?"

It is typically about this time that the excitement of 'the new' is wearing off as we settle back into the reality of life. The bright hope of things to come is starting to diminish and the desire to do what it takes to reach our weight loss goals is overcome by hunger pangs and a despise of sweat. So again I ask, "what do you have to lose?"

Now think about it - really think about it. How about the extra weight that makes you sluggish half way through the day? Think of carrying a 10 pound bag of potatoes around or 2 or 3 bags depending how much you have to lose. Now imagine NOT carrying that around. If you dropped 2 or 3 of those bags of potatoes, what would you be able to do that you can not do now?
Would you be able to lose the loose fitting clothes that you wear to cover up? How about losing the lack of desire to wear shorts and sleeveless shirts that are coming with the warm weather trends that are just around the corner? Would you lose the feelings of disappointment in yourself for allowing your weight to get to where it is?

You see, really you have everything to gain by sticking with your commitments to lose the weight! You can do it and you should. Not only for yourself but also for those you love. You will lose the weight and gain confidence, energy, desire and that bright hope for the future is yours.

So, don't stop now!!! One more time, "What do you have to lose?"

If you need help in sticking with your New Year's resolutions, contact No More Weighting today!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Be Aware of the Little Things

When it comes to losing weight, make sure you are aware of the little things...they add up!
There are a couple of different ways to look at this. First, the little bites here and the little bites there. Make a habit of keeping a journal where you track every bite that goes into your mouth. It doesn't have to be anything complicated - even sticky notes will do. The important thing is to Bite and Write! When you do, you develop an awareness of every thing you put into your mouth. If you do not have this awareness, you can easily consume an extra 500 or more calories without even realizing it! If you consume an extra 500 calories each day for seven days, that is the equivalent to an added one pound of fat!
On the other side, be aware of the little differences in your body as you are losing. Let's face it, even when stay perfectly on track you do not go to sleep one night and wake up the next morning having lost 3 sizes! That would be nice but it just doesn't happen. On top of that, the scales are not always your friend. Especially if you are working out. As you replace muscle with fat, the scales can stay the same or appear as if you are not losing. Become aware of the little things in your body and the changes that take place.
For example, I can always tell when I am about to drop inches (even when the scales aren't budging) because the fatty areas of my body begin to feel "squishy". That is the best way I know how to describe it. When I pinch the area at my waist, it has an almost spongy feel to it - as if the fat molecules are breaking down. Sure enough, in a few days I can see the difference in the way my clothes fit. I can also tell by how I feel in my waist line by placing my hands on my waist. There is just something about how it 'feels' that I can tell that things are happening.
Now I know that may sound crazy but trust me, when you become aware of the little things in your body, it can be an big encourager to you when the scales aren't moving. It gives hope that things are happening even though I don't see them. Keep in mind that the most important growth of a tree happens long before there is a sprout above ground. It is the root system that provides the strength for that tree!
Be aware of the little things in your weight loss journey because they add up to the big things that will make the difference for you!

Be Aware of the Little Things

When it comes to losing weight, make sure you are aware of the little things...they add up!

There are a couple of different ways to look at this. First, the little bites here and the little bites there. Make a habit of keeping a journal where you track every bite that goes into your mouth. It doesn't have to be anything complicated - even sticky notes will do. The important thing is to Bite and Write! When you do, you develop an awareness of every thing you put into your mouth. If you do not have this awareness, you can easily consume an extra 500 or more calories without even realizing it! If you consume an extra 500 calories each day for seven days, that is the equivalent to an added one pound of fat!

On the other side, be aware of the little differences in your body as you are losing. Let's face it, even when stay perfectly on track you do not go to sleep one night and wake up the next morning having lost 3 sizes! That would be nice but it just doesn't happen. On top of that, the scales are not always your friend. Especially if you are working out. As you replace muscle with fat, the scales can stay the same or appear as if you are not losing. Become aware of the little things in your body and the changes that take place.

For example, I can always tell when I am about to drop inches (even when the scales aren't budging) because the fatty areas of my body begin to feel "squishy". That is the best way I know how to describe it. When I pinch the area at my waist, it has an almost spongy feel to it - as if the fat molecules are breaking down. Sure enough, in a few days I can see the difference in the way my clothes fit. I can also tell by how I feel in my waist line by placing my hands on my waist. There is just something about how it 'feels' that I can tell that things are happening.

Now I know that may sound crazy but trust me, when you become aware of the little things in your body, it can be an big encourager to you when the scales aren't moving. It gives hope that things are happening even though I don't see them. Keep in mind that the most important growth of a tree happens long before there is a sprout above ground. It is the root system that provides the strength for that tree!

Be aware of the little things in your weight loss journey because they add up to the big things that will make the difference for you!

For more, contact today!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Nothing is Permanent When it Comes to Weight

During this past holiday season, I had a revelation as I was nearing the start of the new year. I was in my kitchen snacking on the left over goodies and knowing full-well that I had already eaten waaaay too much in the past week and a half, when I had this thought, "Nothing is permanent when it comes to weight!"
You see, I was struggling with the guilt of the fact that my clothes were fitting tighter (from just a week's worth of "giving in to temptation"), when the guilt left and peace came over me. The Word of God says that, "His mercies are new every morning"!
Just because I had struggled (well, honestly...there wasn't a struggle - I wanted to eat and I did!) with the temptation that I teach my clients to overcome, today was a new day. The weight that I could tell I had gained in that very short period of time was temporary and with my fresh start, it would be changed within a week.
Now, truthfully that wasn't something "new" to me - I know that weight isn't permanent - but it was new to me for that moment and it made an impression that I feel is important to pass on to others.
Whatever your weight is at this very moment, it IS NOT PERMANENT!!! It will change if you make the decision to make the necessary changes!! Praise God!!!
Okay, but there is another side to this that we must also realize and come to terms with. Once you do, I truly believe your life will be changed forever. That is...even when you reach your target goal, that too, will not be permanent.
Don't get discouraged but rather be encouraged! What I mean by that is, you are going to need to remain aware of what you do when it comes to eating and exercise...forever! As long as you do, then you will remain at your goal. If you relax and think "whooo - I've arrived", then you will get lazy and the weight will come back on.
Weight issues are not something that you get cured from! You will not reach your ideal weight or size and then be able to eat whatever you want and stay at that size. But there is good news!
The good news is...if you lose weight the right way - the healthy way, which is slow and steady and by changing your lifestyle, then it becomes just that...a lifestyle or your way of life! Therefore you will never struggle with weight issues again!
So, rejoice in coming to the same revelation that I did...nothing is permanent when it comes to weight and you will be far ahead many others in your weight loss journey!