Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's That Time Again

Here they are again!  What?  The holidays.  What a wonderful time of weather, the smell of smoke from neighboring chimneys, cozy times, colorful lights on houses, warm clothes and FOOD!

There is something about this time of year that many feel they can let go of what they have worked hard to control all year.  Then what happens is guilt, condemnation and putting on the larger sizes that hang in the closet.  Is it worth it?  NO!

So this year, let me encourage you to do one thing...THINK BEFORE YOU BITE.  

Remember the ole saying, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"  Speak those words over and over again in your mind and you just may find that you make better decisions.  Am I saying you must deprive yourself of the 'goodies' that you desire at this time of year?  Absolutely not.  All I'm saying is make sure that you do not become a statistic...the average weight gain: 7 lbs for this time of year.

It's that time again!  What are you gonna do?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Don't Give Up!!

So, perhaps you have been on this weight loss journey for a while and you have or have not made the progress you expected. My question to you is this, have you made any progress? If so, then you have made achievements towards better health and a better life.

If there has been no progress then you need to get very honest with yourself. Have you completely and totally committed to the process? Most likely not and so therefore it is time to get real and make a real commitment! Each day that goes by adds up and before you know it weeks, months and even years can slip by.

Maybe you have made some progress but not the amount that you had hoped for. Again, get honest and ask yourself if you have been sold out to doing what you know you should in order to make the progress you desire.

Now, that you have been completely honest with yourself, one more question...what are you going to do now? Are you ready to make a total commitment to yourself? Only you can make the decision to do what is necessary to reach your goals. Where will you be in a year if you continue doing what you have been lately? Will you be happy with those results?

It's time now to step it up! Go back and read some of the previous posts on this site and then take the action to implement those things. You CAN do it but WILL you?

The only way you fail is to quit and that is not an option. So, make the decision, take action and DON'T GIVE UP!!!