Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Shall Not Be Moved!

I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved! Psalm 16:8

Have you ever worked really hard to stay on track...making the right food choices, tracking and logging your food intake, exercising, EVERYTHING however you aren't seeing the results you hoped for?

Keep in mind that even though you are doing everything right - making right choices and right changes - that you may not always see with your physical eyes the results of those actions immediately. It is at those times that you must remember to not be moved! You must see the results through the eyes of your spirit, the one that has been renewed because of what Jesus has done for you!

If you are only looking through with your physical eyes, it can be disappointing or discouraging and cause you to get off track. By KNOWING that the results will follow with patience, then...nothing can stop you!

Now, if you are not making right choices and changes...well, that is a different topic. However, you KNOW what to do! Go to the Word, build up your confidence and go for it!

Have confidence in the efforts that you are making. And if the results are not immediate, not be moved!!

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